使用 VitePress
配置 vitepress
npm add -D vitepress
npx vitepress init
┌ Welcome to VitePress!
◇ Where should VitePress initialize the config?
│ ./docs
◇ Site title:
│ Hansimov's Blog
◇ Site description:
│ A VitePress Site
◆ Theme:
│ ● Default Theme (Out of the box, good-looking docs)
│ ○ Default Theme + Customization
│ ○ Custom Theme
npx vitepress dev docs --host --port 15173
# default dev port is 5173
在 Linux 下运行上一行有可能出现如下错误:
Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch '~/repos/blog/docs/.vitepress/config.mts'
sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288
重启 sysctl 生效:
sudo sysctl -p
查看 max_user_wathes:
cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
watchman - React Native Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached - Stack Overflow
build 和 preview
npx vitepress build docs
npx vitepress preview docs --host
# Can also put --host arg in `package.json` > "scripts"
# default preview port is 4173
自定义 public base path
If blog site is in a subdomain /blog/
, which would be like https://hansimov.github.io/blog
, then following line should be added in docs/.vitepress/config.mts
export default defineConfig({
title: "Hansimov's Blog",
description: "Software and AI",
base: "/blog/",
themeConfig: {
部署 GitHub Pages
Create a file named deploy.yml
inside .github/workflows
, and put these lines.
See: https://github.com/Hansimov/blog/tree/main/.github/workflows/deploy.yml
Make sure the
option in VitePress is properly configured before deploying.Also, the node version config in .yml should be consistant with the local dev environment.
Do not git ignore
, as it is required for the GitHub Actions to install the dependencies.
In repo webpage, go to Settings > Pages > Build and deployment > Source, select GitHub Actions.
Then push changes to main branch, and the site would be built and available at https://hansimov.github.io/blog.